After a massive fan reaction, Pokemon Tcg Pocket is changing the way trade works – Smart Tech Ideas

by saqlainraza159

Pokémon TCG pocket finally The negotiation function was added After several months, but it was not well received by fans for their restrictive policies and new types of currency. Since he added the function in a few days ago, TCG pocket Developer Crers, INC has changed his approach and said that updates and improvements are on their way, although there is no specific launch window for when the game will implement those changes.

“Since he launched the first iteration of the negotiation function a few days ago, we have received a lot of comments. Thank you all for sharing your comments. The requirements and restrictions of the element implemented for the negotiation function were designed to avoid the abuse of the bots and other prohibited actions using multiple accounts. Our goal was to balance the game while retaining the fun of collecting letters that are central to the Pokemon TCG pocket experience, ” The company said In a press release.

Starting an exchange in Pokémon Tcg Pocket.
The Pokemon Company

“However, thanks to their comments, we understand that some of the established restrictions are preventing players from causing the characteristic as planned. We are actively investigating ways to improve the characteristic to address these concerns. In the future, we also plan to offer multiple ways to obtain commercial tokens, including events distributions. ”

The current system limits the quotes to the same level of rarity, and only cards with a rarity that fall between 1 and 4 diamonds, or 1 star, can be negotiated. Players will also need to have the right currency type to start trade with trade tokens and trade heating glas. Creatures, INC says that players who log in will now receive enough trade tokens for free trade. It is not clear how the negotiation mechanic will improve in future updates; It will clearly not come without restrictions, since it would be too easy Complete card collections through trade alone.

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With luck, an update will arrive within a couple of months.

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